YOU can help:

  • Save two beautiful, historic civic buildings from "demolition by neglect"
  • Make the Civic Center area "the heart of Berkeley"
  • Expand our city's cultural facilities

See What We're About to learn more, and join our email list to stay informed.

The City's Civic Center Vision Plan website is here. You can send the planning team emails and sign up for their email list.

Latest Updates

July 2023 – Design Concept Approved

At a special meeting of the Berkeley City Council on July 25, the Council voted unanimously to declare the Council’s intention to: support the preferred design concept and necessary future studies and projects articulated in the plan developed by staff and consultants and direct staff to pursue the next steps identified in the plan, including…

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July 2023 – Council Vote Postponed to July 25

The Civic Center agenda item was carried forward to a special session of the City Council on Tuesday, July 25, at 4 pm.

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July 2023 – Council to Vote on Design Concept

At its July 11 meeting the Berkeley City Council will vote on a resolution approving Berkeley’s Civic Center Design Concept Plan, and declaring the Council’s intention to support the preferred design concept and necessary future studies and projects articulated in the plan. The agenda item will probably come up after 9 pm. The agenda packet,…

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March 2023 – Council Work Session 3/21

The City Council had a special “work session” meeting on March 21. The CCCC had sent a letter to all concerned stating several points that we believe the Council should take into consideration. The Vision Team’s  report of more than 160 pages, summarizing recommendations and estimated costs, is here.

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February 2023 – Presentation for Super-Subcommittee

The slide deck for the February 9, 2023 Super Subcommittee meeting is here. It includes some public survey data. The new drawings for the Maudelle Shirek Building allocate a significant amount of space to city offices and “support spaces” despite only 42% of respondents favoring such uses. The Historical Society museum is distributed onto parts…

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The CCCC group is open to any and all interested individuals, particularly those who live or work in Berkeley.

We meet on Zoom, generally on a Monday at noon.  The next meeting will be on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at noon and will include a progress report from city staff and consultants. To receive notifications about future meetings and discussions, please use the "Join our email list" button below. You can send suggestions or questions using the same contact form.

You can help 

. . . support the next steps by donating to CCCC via our fiscal agent, Berkeley Partners for Parks.  Be sure to enter under Designation: “CCCC.”

Or, you can mail a check made out to “Berkeley Partners for Parks” at PO Box 12521, Berkeley, CA 94712, with “CCCC” in the memo field. Your donation will be tax-deductible.