July 2022 – Bond Measure Deliberations Continue
According to an 8/3/22 memo from the City Manager to the Mayor and Council:
At the July 26, 2022 City Council meeting the council directed staff to schedule a special meeting to be held on August 3, and to return with a revised single bond measure in an amount from $600 million to $650 million, and provide analysis of the various bond amounts, including average tax rate and various bond terms. Bond measure text was directed to include funding categories of $300 million for street paving, sidewalks, and complete streets, $150 million for affordable housing and $150 million for other public infrastructure, undergrounding on evacuation routes, civic center improvements, infrastructure at the waterfront, the pier, parks, pools, or other public infrastructure. Additionally, council directed that information for a $650 million bond be included so there could be two options from which to choose. This item includes resolutions for both for council’s consideration.
The August 3 special meeting will start at 9 am. The agenda packet is here. To submit a written communication for the City Council’s consideration and inclusion in the public record, email council@cityofberkeley.info.