March 2022 – Presentation to City Council
At the March 22 City Council meeting, Marc Steyer of Tipping Structural Engineers presented a concise report about the dramatic savings his firm has calculated for seismic work on the two buildings and the idea of adding usable space in the form of structural buttresses. Liam Garland, Director of Public Works, proposed a timeline for the remaining planning and execution of the needed repairs and renovations. He also mentioned various funding possibilities besides bond measures, such as applying for federal FEMA and Build Back Better funds. John Caner presented video comments from several CCCC members. The mayor and several council members responded very positively, and there were also public comments in support of moving ahead with restoring and making better use of the two buildings and the park.
The video of the meeting is here. Our portion, including comments, runs from about minute 12 to minute 48. The slides from Marc Steyer and Liam Garland are here.